Learn to set goals that are 'right' for you

In 2022, I will  ___________ !!!

Most people go through this same process of setting their goals. 

It’s exciting when you sit down, start thinking and writing about BIG THINGS you want to achieve in 1 year. It gets your adrenaline rushing, you feel empowered and the fuel in your body seems infinite. 



We set goals with an idealistic mindset and keep the reality aside. We want to feel unstoppable, fierce and powerful. But we also forget each person is different.

Just because your friend’s goal is to read x number of books by the end of the year, doesn’t mean yours should be the same too! What if you are an audiobook kind of a person but you never explored that option just because you’re busy following others?

Goal setting requires in-depth reflection on your past, present and future goals. It requires you to know yourself and accept yourself, the way you are. Only when you KNOW who you are and what you CAN do, can you establish a set of MINI GOALS to achieve the bigger goals. 

For example:

You know that sitting in one place for a long time or reading for more than 15 minutes bore you. Your goal should look like this:

I will read 24 books this year, 2 books every month. I will read for at least 30 minutes a day - 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before bed. If you want to set goals that are right for you, sign up for this essential webinar.


You know you aren’t the full-throttle workout kind of a person and also you’re a connoisseur of food. 

Your goal should look like this: 

I will lose 30 lbs weight this year but limit my calorie intake to 1900 calories per day and work out for 20 minutes every day. 

The key to ACHIEVING your goals, is to make them Doable. 

And to do that, you need to practice what we call “Effective Goal Setting.”

Effective goal setting happens in 3 stages: Past, Present and Future.

During a goal-setting coaching session, one leader Sandra told me - 

“I am going to put more effort into my work this year.” 

I asked, “how much effort did you put in last year?”

She said, “I am not really sure.”

I asked - “was it 50% of what you are capable of? 75% of what was required?”

If Sandra reflects on her attitudes and effort from last year and what impacted her, she will have a better understanding of where she is now and the extra effort she needs to put in this year. 

In the same way, together, we will reflect on deeper insights and question ourselves, to determine if we set goals that are right within our reach? Sign up for this essential webinar to learn more.

We at UpSkill Community consider UpSkilling 100 Self Leaders as our 2022 goal. We believe it's important to focus on the types of skills one wants to improve, the ones which will help achieve personal and professional goals. And to do that, we want to connect with you if UpSkilling is an important goal for you this year. 

We believe SELF-LEADERS are the only leaders we need in today’s world. And to become one, you need to become a better version of yourself each day. It may not be obvious, but realistic goals are achieved only with the help of many small goals. You do the hard work each and every day. You distribute your progress over each month on your calendar. Plus, you can only achieve your goals when you truly care about them. 

If you’re serious about setting Effective Goals that you CAN ACHIEVE, attend this webinar and transform how you set your goals forever. We will show you how to design a plan that will help you accomplish your goals. 

Plus! Get your FREE copy ofThe UpSkill Goal Setting Template to design your goals right away!

This webinar can help you create the future you desire and deserve. Don’t leave your future to chance. Let’s set goals that are right based on who you are TODAY! Let’s make this year a major benchmark year in your life! Learn this PROVEN approach to Goal Setting because you need to STOP doing goal setting the same way and expect different results. 

Let’s get you the secret ingredient to achieving GOALS that help the BUSIEST leaders achieve theirs. Don’t forget your copy of The UpSkill Goal Setting Template to design your goals right away!

If you are ready to use the right methods and tools to set goals this year, click the button below to join us now! 

About The Course

Micro-Credential Badge: Earn a ‘GOAL GETTER’ badge from UpSkill Community and McGraw Hill. 

Duration: 1 Day Course with open discussions 

Delivery: Live, Online

Environment: Learning Experiences designed with the busy Self-Leaders in mind

Date: February 3rd, 2022

Live Session: Thursday @ 12 noon - 1 pm EST

Webinar Fees: $49

Who Is This Course For

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for self leaders to Level Up.

  • Know yourself better and get clear on your Strengths
  • Set realistic and achievable goals that are doable
  • Level Up: Stretch yourself. Start by learning from your past thoughts and behaviours.

This is for you if you are serious about moving forward and want a proven method to achieve your goals this year. 


Register now and get your FREE copy of The UpSkill Goal Setting Template to design your goals right away!

Meet your Facilitator


What others say about Michel: "Clear Effective Communicator, Enthusiatic, Engaging, Inspiring, Motivating and Supportive." 

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